Eating Your Nails Is An Indication That You Have This Type of Personality

Do you have the tendency to bite your nails when you feel nervous or anxious? It is considered to be a nasty habit, not very rude when done in public and indicates that you probably aren’t feeling right mentally at the moment. However, despite it being referred to as an obsessive-compulsive behavior it could also indicate that you have one great characteristic- a perfectionist!

A research done in Montreal describes nail-biting as a ” body-centered, repetitive behavior” and further states that:

” While these behaviors can induce significant distress, they also seem to satisfy a momentum and deliver some form of reward. We believe that people with these repetitive behaviors can be perfectionists, which means they are unable to relax and perform the task at a normal pace. ”

As Kieron O’Connor an investigator states:

” Therefore, they are prone to frustration, impatience and dissatisfaction when they fail to achieve their goals. They also experience higher levels of boredom. ”

The investigation included 48 people, with 24 of them having repetitive behavior and 24 of them not having one. As the investigation went further they did a selection based on the questionnaires and their individual personality, and they were also tested in four different scenarios designed to elicit specific emotional states. Stress, relaxation, frustration and boredom.

The ones that had a history of repetitive behavior engaged in repetitive behavior more than the others and it was quite logical and expected from them.

Sarah Roberts, the study’s director, stated:

”  This means that the condition is not simply due to” nervous “habits. The findings suggest that people who suffer from repetitive, body-centered behaviors may benefit from treatments designed to reduce frustration and boredom and to modify perfectionist beliefs. ”

Repetitive behavior is not always a bad thing, but it could be once it affects a person’s personality and even represents a drawback in their view of the world and in doing their everyday habits.

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Source: Home Remedies Garden | Mind Body Green | David Wolfe | Step To Health

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