When it comes to sculpting a strong and defined core, traditional crunches and planks are not your only options. If you’re looking to add variety and challenge to your ab and oblique workout routine, the windshield wiper exercise is a fantastic addition.

This dynamic exercise targets not only your abdominal muscles but also engages your obliques, helping you achieve a well-rounded and toned midsection. In this article, we will explore the windshield wiper exercise for abs and obliques, discussing its benefits, proper form, and variations to suit different fitness levels.

Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast looking to take your core workout to the next level or a beginner seeking effective exercises, the windshield wiper exercise will undoubtedly help you strengthen and define your abs and obliques.

So, let’s dive in and discover how this exercise can take your core training to new heights.

  • Lie on the floor and extend your arms to the sides.
  • Raise your legs until they form a 90 degree angle.
  • Helped by your arms, move both legs to the right side and then to the opposite.
  • You must repeat it between 15 and 25 times.