5 Plank Variations to Work More Than Just Your Abs
|If you’ve ever tried to do a plan you know that it’s definitely not as easy as it seems and seconds seem like an eternity.
However, the benefits from this amazing exercise are tremendous!
This exercise targets your abdominals, shoulders, arms, legs, back, and even your glutes. Core strength is the starting point of all movement. βIt really is the key part of the body in any sport.β Plus, having good stability is crucial in order to react to the constantly changing environment around you.
In today’s article, we will show you how to make the plank exercise more effective and a lot more fun!
1. Planks with Toe Taps

How to:
Extend one foot out wide to the side keeping the leg straight and tap your toe to the ground, then bring the leg back straight with the body.
Repeat with the other leg, continuing to alternate in repeating the exercise.
Repeat these movements at a brisk pace for 30 seconds.
2. Jump Planks

How to:
Lift your body up to plank position standing on your hands and toes. Make sure hands are placed right beneath your shoulders.
Keep back flat and your hips aligned with legs and upper body. Feet together, bend legs and jump out to a wide stance. Bend legs and jump back in to complete one repetition.
Repeat at a brisk pace for 30 seconds.
3. Reach Around the Clock Planks

How to:
Begin by performing a standard high plank, as detailed above. Keeping your body stable and not letting your hips sag, lift up your right arm and extend it over your head.
Hold for one second, then extend your arm straight out to the right and hold for one second.
Next, extend your arm straight back towards your feet and hold for one second. Bring your right arm back to the starting position.
Continue alternating arms at a brisk pace for 30 seconds.
4. Side Planks with Reach Through

How to:
Position yourself as if you’re doing the side plank (lie on your right side).
Place your right hand firmly on the ground and, engaging your core, raise your body up into a side plank, creating a straight line from your head to your toes. Feet on top of each other.
Extend your left arm out from your shoulder so it is straight up in the air. Lower your arm in front of you and bring it below your right hip, like you are reaching for something behind you.
Bring your arm back above your body, extended upwards from your shoulder.
Repeat for 30 seconds, then switch to the left side and perform for 30 seconds.
5. Spiderman Planks

Start in a low plank position with your body in a straight line, your elbows bent and under your shoulders, and with your feet hip-width apart.
Bring your right knee to your right elbow and extend your right leg back and return to the starting position.
Alternate legs at a brisk pace for 30 seconds.
Sources: spotebi, fitfreak, workoutlabs