Tighten Your Belly Within 1 Month Just By Planking
|For those people who haven’t try planking yet, they’ll probably be skeptical of this method and the reason for that is because this exercise sure looks easy and simple. However, the first moment that you’ll try it out you’ll find out that there is nothing easy in this exercise.
That is why when starting out this challenge you’ll need to kick off with a light start and then with time proceed to give extra effort.
This exercise is perfect for the abdominal area, mostly from the upper torso. While you are in the position that the exercise requires, your corset muscles are extracted almost to their maximum which will make you sweat more than doing 100 crunches!
Remember to keep your back straight at all times while doing this exercise.
For best results exercise for the next 21 days and the changes will be vivid.
Week 1
First, you can start with half a minute time. Hold on for 30 seconds and the next day increase the time. Keep increasing it on a daily basis.
Week 2
The second raises the timing up to a minute and a half.
Week 3
The third week increase the time for one whole minute plus, don’t give up and try to reach it!
After the Third week, you will be able to hold the plank position for more than a minute, and that will make your belly muscles very strong! But to even increase the strength more, try to keep it for another minute.

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