Three Week Butt Transformation Workout
|A beautiful figure cannot be imagined without a curved and firm butt and it is not necessary to go to the gym, because these effective exercises can be made at home.
As you try to shape your body in perfect shape, you get self-confidence, and also by tilting the back of the buttocks, you will make your body stronger for your active lifestyle, such as whether you are running, cycling, dancing, climbing, swimming or playing. This challenge below does not require equipment, you need to separate a few minutes for each day and is simple enough.
This challenge that we will show you in this article is composed of five basic exercises that work on your glutes and thighs.
The Workout
In every hour-long session, Anthony usually put me through three circuits of three moves each. A few of the exercises required heavier gym equipment, but several of them only used bodyweight, a kettlebell, or some dumbbells. Try some of our favorites, demonstrated below.
Kneeling Side Kick
Get into a side plank position, with your left knee and left hand on the ground and your upper half lifted. Lift your right leg up straight, so itβs either parallel or slightly higher than your right hip.
Keeping your foot flexed (important!) and your leg straight and at the same height, kick forward as far as you can, and back to start.
– Repeat for 12 reps total and switch sides.
Dirty Dog with Extension
The starting position begins on all fours with your knees hip-width apart.
Then lift your left knee on your left side and extend the left foot straight out to the side.
Next, you need to pause for 2 seconds before you bend your knee again. And then bring your leg back to starting position.
β Repeat for 12 reps total on the right before switching to the left side.
Kettlebell Deadlifts
You need to stand straight, feet hip-width apart and then place the kettlebell on the floor in front of your feet. Next, you need to bend your knees, lowering your body to grab the Kettlebell and then to keep your back straight throughout the exercise and stand up with the dumbbells.
So, this is 1 rep. And then repeat the exercise, keeping your weight in your heels and your back straight.
– Repeat for 12 reps total.
Sumo Squats
Start the exercise by standing on both your feet, so that the same will be on a wider distance. Curl the knees until the thighs get into a parallel position with the ground. Bring the body weight into your foot rear areas;
Start moving towards down so that the leg will rectify completely. In order to take full advantage of the exercise, press the glutes at the highest point of the movement;
– Repeat for 12 reps total.
Sumo Squat Pulse
First, you need to stand with your legs wider than shoulder-width apart. Turn toes out and extend your arms straight in front of you. Then you need to squat down and keep the knees in line with your toes. Then while your ABS is squeezed you need to keep your back straight.
Next, you need to stay in a squat position and go up and down and you need to move up and down 12 times and then stand up and relax.
Donkey Kicks
You need to start the exercise on all fours. Then place hands shoulder-width and knees hip-width apart and first, keep your right foot flexed and leg bent. Then you need to raise your right leg and push your heel toward the ceiling and next you need to push it until your foot is directly above your butt and your glutes need to be squeezed.
Then you need to slowly go back to the starting position and you need to try not to touch your knee to the ground. You need to do the exercise 12 times and then do it with your other leg.
Source: Train Hard Team