This 3-Minute Workout Before Sleep Can Help You Slim Down Your Legs
|In today’s article, we present to you the best and most effective exercises to slim down your legs and get them into a perfect shape.
Also, have it in mind that apart from exercising you also need to avoid any bed diet and drink plenty of water. Do the following exercise every night before you go to sleep and the results will be unbelievable.
1. Legs Lift
Firs lay down on your back and place your hands on the floor. Raise your legs up in the air and hold them for several seconds. Lower your legs down without touching the floor and lif them again. Repeat this exercise 10 times.
2. Corkscrew
As you lay down on the floor, lift your legs in the air. Separate them as much as you can and then close them up together with the feet touching each other. Make a small pause and then repeat the exercise for 10 times.
3. Basic Squats

4. Basic Squats with Side Leg Lift

5. In and Out Jacks
Start standing with your feet together and your hands by your sides. Then jump up, spread your feet, bend your knees and open your arms. Jump and bring your hands to your head. Repeat it 20 times.
6. Walking Lunges