The Best Exercises For The Waist

When you don’t like the shape of a certain body part, you can always try to focus on that region with exercises. The waist area is one of the most worrying areas, especially for women.

Getting rid of waist fat isn’t easy, but it can be done with a healthy lifestyle, good nutrition, and the right exercises.

It is convenient to eat whole foods and calculate a slight caloric deficit. Avoid fad diets and follow a good nutrition plan.

The following exercises will help you replace fat with muscle and feel better about your body in general.

Here are five of the best waist exercises to get rid of the extra fat around your waist:

Side planks

  • First, you should lie on your right side with your legs extended and your feet and hips resting on the floor one on top of the other.
  • Next, your right elbow should be directly under your shoulder, per the illustration.
  • Then contract your core muscles and lift your hips and knees off the ground.
  • You have to hold on as long as you can.
  • Then return to the starting position.
  • Finally do the other side and repeat.

Mountain climber

  • For this exercise, you have to get into a high plank position.
  • Continue to bring your left knee up to your chest, then bring it back to the starting position, and then do the same but bring your right knee up to your chest, reproducing the look of a climbing movement.
  • Count to 30 movements between the two legs.

Dumbbell cut

  • You will need some dumbbells.
  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart with your weight on your left leg.
  • First, you start by holding the dumbbell in both hands next to your left shoulder, then twist into a chopping motion toward your right hip.
  • Next, let your feet and knees pivot with the twist and lift the weight back to your left shoulder and repeat for 20 reps.
  • Do 20 repetitions on each side.

Swimming Pilates

  • You have to lie on your stomach with your legs straight and together.
  • Stretch your arms straight above your head.
  • Next, contract your abs, and try to support yourself only with your abdominal area.
  • At the same time raise your right arm and left leg, while lowering your left arm and right leg.
  • Then do the opposite; Raise your left arm and right leg, while lowering your right arm and left leg. You will have completed one repetition.
  • Do 10 repetitions.

Bicycle Crunches

  • Lie on an exercise mat, facing up.
  • She places her arms with her hands behind her ears or head.
  • You must bend the legs alternately, bringing them closer to the abdomen.
  • Synchronizing the movement of the legs with that of the arms.
  • Bringing the elbow of one hand to the knee of the opposite leg. And vice versa.
  • Try to do 10-15 repetitions on each leg.

It will take time and dedication to do these exercises and adopt a healthy nutrition plan. But in the end, you will get rid of that annoying fat.