Study: Drinking Wine is More Important than Exercise to Living Past 90

Many studies have confirmed that moderate consumption of wine significantly reduces mortality from cardiovascular disease. Hippocrates, who used it as an antiseptic, sedative, in improving the work of the digestive system and as part of the everyday diet, knew about the beneficial effects of the wine.

In wine is the truth, but also something more than that. Our ancestors, as well as modern science, say that wine has something very important for health.

A number of scientific studies confirm the beneficial effect of quality wine on human health, of course, if consumed moderately. The wine contains more than 1,000 ingredients, most of which are proven to be useful for our body. The beneficial effect of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals contained in quality wines is multiple.

Moderate consumption of wine prevents cardiovascular diseases, reduces total cholesterol levels, improves cognitive ability, increases immunity and resistance of the body against diseases … Our ancestors were aware of these and many other beneficial effects of wine. The numerous folk traditions, tips, recipes, which recommend the wine as an effective remedy for many health conditions, have significantly contributed to the reputation of a beneficial drink, which the wine undoubtedly has.

Over 400 studies worldwide show that most healthy people who drink wine regularly and moderately live longer. A study called the 90+ study started in 2003, in order to analyze the oldest- old age that turns into the fastest growing age group in the world. The participants in this study were originally part of another study called The Leisure World Cohort Study (LWCS) that began in 1981.

Using the information from these participants, a team of researchers working on Study 90 + were able to ask: “What allows people to live up to 90 years and wider?”

The objectives of the study were:

-Determine factors related to longevity
-Determination of modified risk factors for mortality and dementia
-Examine the rates of cognitive and functional decline in the oldest- old
-Examine the epidemiology of dementia in the oldest- old
-Examine the clinical pathological correlations among the oldest- old ones

Participants in the study visit twice a year for neurophysiological and neurological tests.

So drinking wine can help, but that does not mean that you need to drink a bottle of dinner, so enjoy the wine responsibly and feel its benefits.

It has been shown that moderate consumption of alcohol has the following advantages:

-Lower chances of an ischemic stroke
-Possible reductions in the risk of diabetes
-Reduced risk of developing or dying from heart disease.

A study done on people older than 70 years has shown that those who drink one glass of wine a day remembers more than the rest. Also, doctors explain that it prevents blood clotting and reduces blood vessel inflammation.

Practice shows that people who drink wine regularly have less body weight than those who consume it rarely. It has been proven that a glass of wine you drink can make your body burn calories for 90 minutes.

Source: Global Remedy House

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