Reduce Back Pain With These 1 Minute Stretching Exercises

There are many tutorials or stretching programs that help back pain because many aspects of life can create and cause back pain, but finding a solution to ease it has always been difficult, but also how much time do you have to dedicate.

That’s why we have created a program to work around your lifestyle, and you still have enough time to do what you need and not just that but have themselves been tested and tested, and it works.

These are one-minute exercises that will help to strengthen muscle back and avoid future pain and the best is that you can have training anytime and anywhere.

Training zone — any flat and solid surface (the floor, a table)
Exercise duration — one minute for one exercise
Workout time period — morning, day, night
Workout frequency — every day

And, remember a healthy back and spine are very important for our body.

1. Spine strengthening and stretching:

Influences on: Abs and back muscles
So, it is performed correctly, you’ll feel smooth and light stretching in your lower back.


How to do it:

-First, you need to gently put both knees on one side. Your head should be in the opposite direction and then your shoulders should stay motionless, fixed, and pushed to the floor. Next, you need to freeze in this position for 10 minutes and then repeat the same actions on the other side.

Reps: 4 times


Now to do it:

– First, from the starting position you need to stretch your right leg, and bend your left one and next, you need to tilt your bent knee outward and your head inward. Remember your shoulders should stay fixed.

Reps: 20 times


How to do it:

-First, you need to gently, one at a time, tilt your knees to one side and then the other and then at the same time, turn your head in the opposite direction. You need to do 10 tilts without pauses.

2. Thoracic spine strengthening

Influences on: Abs and middle back muscles


So, it is performed correctly you’ll feel smooth stretching in your lower back.


How to do it:

-First, you need from the starting position to breathe freely and deeply and then arch your back, and fix this position for 15 or 30 seconds.
Another variant:
-Also from the starting position you need to bend your back toward the floor and fix this position for 15 or 30 seconds and reps: 2 times for each exercise.

How to do it:

-First, you need with your back arched to lift one knee to your chest and try to touch your forehead and then straighten your leg, you need to keep your position parallel to the floor. And then you need to return to the starting position and reps: 10 times at a slow pace.

3. Lumbar spine strengthening

Influences on: Abdominal muscles, but if your abs are weak, your stomach can bulge, and your spine can shift forward.

So, it is performed correctly, you’ll feel the light tension in your abdominal muscles.


How to do it:

-First, you need to push your pelvis to the floor, and take a breath and then when you exhale, lift your rib cage up. You need reps: 10 times at a slow pace.


How to do it:
-First, from the starting position you need to pull one knee to the opposite elbow (the other elbow stays on the floor) and then straighten your knee, but don’t put it on the floor. And next at the same time, pull the other knee to the opposite elbow. So, this exercise resembles cycling and you need reps: 10 times at a slow pace.

Source: Gym Guider

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