Rebecca Naturally Lost 100 Pounds by Adopting These 3 Totally Doable Habits

A 25-year-old American woman has received thousands of followers after losing 100 kilograms in two years. Rebecca Grafton inspires everyone who wants to reduce weight.

It all started in January 2013, when she saw her photographs before traveling to Jamaica and was horrified as it looks. So she decided to change drastically the way of life.

She put the mobile phone application into practice and started cooking and feeding well. Rebecca made an Instagram profile showing her weight transformation and now says people are very encouraging.

The young woman did not plan to cut so many pounds, so she is now proud that she has not given up. Currently, she continues with the regime – sometimes she gets to work at 5 in the morning and eats “tons” of vegetables.

Her story reached the magazine “People” and the ABC TV.

Here are the three things she adhered to.

1. Tracking Calories

So the first thing she did was to download the application under the title My Fitness Pal and through this application, she managed to monitor how many calories enter her body, or rather the application sets caloric targets for her, so she followed these goals and added all the calories which she lost during her exercises. In fact, the purpose of the application helped her lose 95 kilograms, and then she started with a nutrition plan through which she exchanged calorie monitoring by monitoring the grams of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that entered her body, and so for each macronutrient, it sets specific targets and she sticks to it all.

2. Eating More Freely Every Now and Then

Also, what Rebecca allowed her to give her a few breaks at the end of each week, because she followed the 80/20 rule, which meant that she might have exceptions at the end of the week, and what is actually the important thing is that these exceptions make it stay on the path of healthy living for the rest of the time. According to her, it’s great to keep up with your diet plan, but if you do not allow your body a short break to consume what you really want, then you will not be able to fully satisfy your needs.

Here’s what a typical Rebecca’s day of eating looks like:

– Breakfast can consist of: coffee with sugar or creamer; scrambled vegetarian white eggs with spinach and shredded Brussels sprouts, topped with low-fat cheese; and non-fat Greek yogurt mixed with powdered peanut butter.

– Lunch can consist of roasted green beans and carrot with grilled chicken.
– After lunch comes to a snack, which can also be made up of bagel that is with low calories, topped into a Laughing Cow cheese wedge or a cream cheese with less calories.
– The diner is consists of small baked potatoes, roasted asparagus and salmon.
– And after dinner, you can afford yourself a chocolate protein bar like a dessert.

3. Working Out Nearly Every Day

And then every day during the week Rebecca was practicing, and her work plan that she applies every day of the week is the following:

– On Monday she is practicing barbell strength weights for one hour and then afterward she is making a cardio on the Stair Master for 25 minutes.
– On Tuesday she is having a 50-minutes Spine class.
– On Wednesday she is practicing cardio on the Stair Master for 45 minutes. And then after that, she is making free weights for 20 minutes.
– On Thursday she is practicing at home. She makes different types of cardio and strength workouts;
– On Friday she is having a Spin class for 30 minutes. And then is followed by 30-minutes barre.
– On Saturday she is practicing on the Stair Master for one hour. And after that, she is on the weight machines for 30 minutes.
– On Sunday she is whether practicing or is taking a rest day. That depending on her mood and if she decides to exercise, she usually runs around 10 miles.

What Rebekah explains is that motivation is crucial during an attempt like this and that she has managed to remain motivated at the beginning of her regime, which was the most critical period. She sees success today as addiction and therefore today, at the age of 27, she says how her journey has influenced many people. Also during the period of removing her additional weight, Rebecca took pre-and-post pictures and posted them on Instagram, so people would be aware of the differences anyone can make.

So if you decide that you need to start a weight loss journey, Rebecca advises you never to doubt that you are capable of reaching it, and it is just an example of it. It encourages you to be much stronger than you think, and what you need to do is just to motivate, to take the first step and to remain committed and to stay focused, no matter how hard it is to look, because you will face ups and downs, but you must keep in mind that every Monday is a new beginning to stay committed. And therefore no matter how hard it may seem, you just need to stay positive, and in the end, you will see and feel the progress.

Source: Female Fit Body

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