How to Get rid of Back Fat: 6 Effective Exercises For Back Fat
|Back fat builds up slowly over time,” says elite physical therapist and former professional athlete Henry Barratt. ” Every 10-year period, starting in your 30s, it becomes more apparent how difficult it is to change it, especially around the love handles and behind the bra strap,” explains Barratt.
This is due to something called somatopause , the phenomenon of growth hormone levels declining as women age. Decreased amounts of growth hormone make it harder to build new muscle and maintain the ones you already have. In other words, what was once back muscle could naturally turn into a back and upper body fat.
In addition to that, lifestyle causes can include:
Eating too much sugar or salt (which can contribute to inflammation in the body)
Eating too many calories (know how many calories your body needs before you start counting food)
a sedentary lifestyle
The natural aging process
Poor posture, which can make softer areas more apparent to you
In addition, not using the muscles in the back can contribute to a loss of strength and tone, because, unlike those in the front of the body, the muscles that run along the back – for example, the glutes, hamstrings, and back muscles – can be neglected unless you consciously strengthen them.
Sometimes the problem is not fat distribution, but posture, which accentuates any lack of tone by allowing smoother skin to wrinkle and bulge.
The truth is that you cannot reduce body fat in a timely manner. No way. Neither diet nor exercise will equate to one-off loss of back fat, and this also goes for those shady internet sources that claim their “exercises for back fat” get results in 7 days.
Rather, strengthening the softer parts and reducing your overall body fat is a process. It’s not about lasting results because ultimately that’s a good sign that you’re on a healthy routine.
We will explain how to do it safely and sustainably.
Is back fat unhealthy and how much body fat is normal for women?
In general, back fat is not unhealthy, no. Most of the time, it is a sign of completely natural changes in the body, such as:
Somatopause (as mentioned above: when growth hormone levels decline as women age and it becomes more difficult to maintain muscle)
A change in posture as you age
Luke Worthington, a physical therapy and performance specialist, adds that another case where back fat is completely normal is when it comes to genetics. « We all have a predisposition to store body fat in certain areas «, He explains. ” There is no specific reason or cause for storing body fat in one area rather than another .”
That said, back fat may be associated with insulin resistance, elevated testosterone, and low carbohydrate tolerance, as well as increased risk of diabetes, PCOS, and infertility.
If lifestyle changes don’t improve the amount of fat in your back, it’s essential that you see a GP.
How much body fat is normal? It’s impossible (and pretty useless) to advise on how much fat you should have on your back in particular, but it might be helpful to take stock of your total body fat. The Royal College of Nursing advises that a healthy body fat percentage for women between the ages of 20 and 40 is between 15% and 31%. Starting at age 40, the ideal body fat percentage can be higher.
” Although healthy levels are typically between 15 and 31% for women, this is really individual,” explains Dr. Rebecca Robinson, consultant in sports and exercise medicine.
Remember: women need a certain amount of body fat for proper hormonal function, it’s a fact. It is also normal and necessary for women to have slightly more body fat than men.
What exercises eliminate back fat? The 6 Best “Exercises for Back Fat”
Before getting into the matter, we will remind you of what we have already said about the specific reduction of fat in a certain area: it is not a great strategy. However, if you want to focus on your back muscles, we have this for you.
“Pull-ups are great for shaping your back, as are reverse dumbbell and cable push-ups,” advises Barratt. Below we’ve rounded up six of the best exercises to sculpt a strong back.
These resistance training exercises work to strengthen your posterior muscles, which will not only change your appearance but also help decrease your risk of injury.
Inverted Dumbbell Raise

- First, you have to take a pair of dumbbells between 1 and 1.5 kg and then stand with your feet hip-width apart.
- Then bend your knees slightly as you move your hips back.
- Next, you have to lower your torso until it is parallel to the ground and bring the weights together and turn your palms to face forward.
- Next, keep your arms straight and lift the weights up to shoulder height, then lower, making sure to keep your core and glutes engaged the entire time.
- You have to do 15 repetitions.

- Dumbbell Row (Incline)
- Start on all fours with your hands on the floor, slightly wider than vertical with your shoulders, but in line with them.
- The body should form a straight line from the shoulders to the ankles.
- Squeeze your abs to the maximum and keep them tight.
- Lower your body until your chest almost touches the ground, making sure your elbows are tucked in close to your torso.
- Pause and return to the starting position.
- Do 20 repetitions.

- Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Bend your knees and lean your upper body forward from the hips up.
- keep your spine neutral and don’t round your lower back.
- The hands should be straight below the shoulders.
- Now bend your elbows back as you raise your arms up to the sides of your chest (shoulder blades should be pulling toward each other).
- Slowly lower the weights in a controlled motion and feel the tension in your triceps.
- Repeat 15 times.
Dumbbell Row (Incline)

- Lie face down on the floor with your arms and legs extended.
- Raise your chest and legs off the ground as high as possible.
- Keep your neck neutral.
- Go back to the starting position.
- Repeat for 3 sets of 12 reps.
Kettlebell swing

- You have to start standing with your legs wider than the width of your hips and with both hands holding the kettlebell between your legs and then you have to slightly bend your knees.
- Next, you have to lean your chest forward, swing the kettlebell back between your legs and then push your hips forward until you’re in a standing position.
- And then simultaneously throw your arms straight out in front of you while keeping a firm grip on the dumbbell and repeat.
- You have to make sure that you are pushing your hips back and forth; these are push-ups, not squats.
- Complete between 15-20 swings.
Side plank with rotation

- First, lie down on your side.
- Next, place your left foot on top of your right.
- The weight of the body will be supported by the right hand and foot.
- Try to keep your right arm straight and your palm should be placed firmly on the ground.
- Squeeze your thigh muscles and apply your weight to the ground through your heels as your body is placed diagonally on the ground.
- Lift your left arm up and then lower it down below your waist as you twist your body.
- Return to the starting position.
- Perform 5 to 10 repetitions on each side.