|Having a curvier figure with bigger buttocks and wider hips is a desire for many individuals. While genetics play a significant role in determining body shape, there are natural methods that can help you enhance and accentuate your curves.
In this article, we will explore effective and safe ways to achieve bigger buttocks and wider hips quickly and naturally, without resorting to invasive procedures or harmful substances.
Side lunges

- Stand with your feet and knees together.
- If it’s comfortable, hold a pair of dumbbells.
- Take a big step with your right foot to the right side.
- Slowly lunge toward the floor, not letting your right knee extend beyond your toes and keeping your left leg relatively straight.
- Now, push off with your right foot to return to the standing position.
- Repeat the same process with the other side.
- Do three series of 10 on each side. Repeat this exercise 3 times a week.
Squats with dumbbells on shoulders

- Stand up, holding a pair of dumbbells over your shoulders.
- Keep your head up, tighten your abs, push your hips back and bend your knees.
- Slowly lower your body until you are squatting, with your hands at your sides.
- Hold this position for a few seconds.
- Then push up to the starting position.
- Repeat the exercise 10 to 15 times or more, as recommended by your trainer. Do this exercise 3 times a week.

- Place a sturdy step or bench in front of you.
- Approach him with your back, legs and arms stretched, and feet hip-width apart.
- As you exhale, step up to the center of the step with your right leg and keep your other leg behind you for balance.
- Inhale and slowly bend your right knee, then lower yourself to complete one round.
- Do 5 to 10 repetitions with one leg and then switch to the other. Do this exercise for at least 20 minutes once a day.
Donkey kicks

- Get on a mat on your hands and knees.
- Keeping your head straight, place your hands under your shoulders and keep your knees and hips aligned.
- Now, lift your right leg, keeping the rest of your body as it is.
- Stretch your foot as much as you can, without moving your body.
- Go back to the starting position.
- Perform the same steps with your left leg.
- Do at least 8 repetitions with both legs. Do this exercise at least 3 times a week.
Glute bridge

- Lie on your back on the floor.
- Keep your hands at your sides and knees bent, with your feet shoulder-width apart and flat on the floor.
- As you exhale, gently lift your hips off the floor, keeping your back straight.
- Keep your hips raised for a few seconds.
- Inhaling, slowly lower your hips to the floor.
- Repeat it 8 to 10 times. Do it 2 or 3 times a week.
Chair Pose

- Stand with your feet touching.
- Raise your arms up, palms touching.
- With an exhale, bend your knees and bring the entire weight of your upper body toward your heel as you bend.
- Stay in this position for 10 seconds and breathe deeply.
- Inhale and return to the starting position.
- Perform this exercise for a minimum of 1 to 2 minutes daily along with other workouts to firm your glutes.