Gain More Muscle Mobility And Relieve Pain By Performing These Stretches

Let’s talk a little bit about how we can gain more muscle mobility and relieve pain by performing stretches, as stretching and self-myofascial release are critical for your body, and stiff joints and tight muscles are a normal and everyday occurrence, so mobility is the main role.

So mobility is something that improves your general goals and everyday activities, and exercises like these every day stretching examples change that and can make a huge useful change for you, as dynamic stretching increases blood flow and can help muscle with better performance. So pulling, stretching is also common, so these exercises can help restore muscle, and release tensions.

In fact, your muscles are like a piece of fabric that you hold in front of you, so if you want to pull that fabric in opposite directions, it will stretch to a certain point, but if it continues to drag, some of the fibers will begin to break. But, given enough strength, the fabric would eventually tear in half, so your muscles do not differ from the fabric and therefore taking this into account, it proves the importance of stretching. And also trying, you will reach muscles that you would not naturally think about.

So in order to know if the pain is a virus or general fatigue, be sure to stretch out before exercise, with these examples, for those who can hardly reach the muscles. You need to perform these dynamic parts every time you have the chance, after training, so your joints and muscles will be grateful.

1. The Blackburn

-TARGETS: Shoulders and Lats.
-You need to repeat for 4 sets of 12 reps.

So, you need to follow the instructions on the picture below.

2. A Calf Massage

-TARGETS: Calves
-You need to repeat for 3 sets of 30 seconds on each leg.

Just follow the instructions on the picture below.

3. A Dynamic Side Lunge

-TARGETS: Hips and Hamstrings

-You need to complete 3 sets of 30 seconds with continuous movement.

Follow the instructions on the picture below.

4. Cross-Legged Stretch

-TARGETS: Hip Flexors and Inner Thighs

-You need to repeat for 3 sets.

To do it right, you need to follow the instructions on the picture below.

5. The Frog Stretch


-You need to repeat for 3 sets.

To do it right, just follow the instructions on the picture below.

6. A Hamstring Sit-Back

-TARGETS: Hamstrings and Calves and Hips

-You need to complete for 2 sets.

Follow the instructions on the picture below.

7. The Hip Opener


-You need to complete 2 sets.

You need to follow the instructions on the picture below.

8. An Origami Stretch

-TARGETS: Chest and Shoulders and Lower Back and Quads

-Also, complete 2 sets.

So, follow the instruction on the picture below.

9. Lower Back Knee Drop

-TARGETS: Lower Back

-You also need to complete for 2 sets.

You just need to follow the instruction on the picture below.

10. A Piriformis Massage

-TARGETS: Piriformis (And that’s the piriformis muscle who is a small muscle located deep behind the glutes (making it hard to reach). And that connects the lower spine to the femur, functioning at the hip.)

-You need to complete 2 sets.

To do it right, you need to follow the instructions on the picture below.

11. A Wide-Step Hamstring Stretch

-TARGETS: Hamstrings

-You also need to complete 2 sets
Just follow the instructions on the picture below.

Source: Fitness Tips Lovers

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