8 Moves For Flat Abs That Aren’t Crunches!

Trying out different exercises can help you find out which ones are the most effective for you and suits your body as well. For achieving great ab results there is more needed than just doing crunches.

While they are a great exercise to get your abs burning, they can get pretty repetitive and boring pretty quickly. In today’s article, we present to you varieties of exercises that target all of the ab muscles, including your obliques and deeper abdominal muscles as well as your more superficial (outer) ab muscles.

What you need to do is set a timer for 7 minutes and complete each of these exercises in Circuit 1 as many times as you can. After the timer goes off than rest for 30 seconds and complete Circuit 2.


Ab Bikes x 40 reps

Ab Bikes x 40 reps

Plank x 30 sec

 Plank x 30 sec

Straight Leg Raises x 20 reps

 Straight Leg Raises x 20 reps

Mountain Climbers x 40 reps

Mountain Climbers x 40 reps


Scissor Kicks x 30 reps

Snap Jumps x 20 reps

Snap Jumps x 20 reps



Weighted Bent Leg Jackknifes x 15 reps

Commandos x 20 reps

Commandos x 20 reps

Source: Train Hard Team

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