5 Of The Best Exercises For Love Handles
|Love handles can be quite difficult to be removed because they are located in a problem area. When it comes to managing abdominal fat the truth is that it takes time and effort to solve this problem.
However, with the right approach, you are sure to get the results you are after!
In today’s article, we present to you the best exercises that specifically target this area and will provide results in the shortest possible time.
1. Russian twists
-Do 15 on each side by getting into side plank position with your elbow on the ground and your legs and hips resting on the ground.
-Then engaging your abs and keeping your body in a straight line. Then raise the lower half of your body up off the ground into a straight plank position and lower again and repeat.
2. Side plank lifts
Get into side plank position with your elbow on the ground and your legs and hips resting on the ground. Engaging your abs and keeping your body in a straight line, raise the lower half of your body up off the ground into a straight plank position. Lower again and repeat. Do 15 on your right side, and then 15 on your left side.
3. Box Jumps
Targeting your love handles means incorporating some cardio into your workout. All you will need is a box and a whole lot of dedication. Jump up on the box and hold the squatting position. Release and step down. Repeat. This gets the blood flowing for a great workout.
4. Bicycle crunches
-First, lie on your back. Then with your knees bent and your hands behind your head do not clasp your hands together.
-Then engage your abs. Lifting your shoulders. And upper back off of the ground and at the same time, move your right elbow toward your left knee so that they meet in the middle of your body.
– Next, you need to switch your position. Then by bringing your left elbow to your right knee continue as quickly as possible while still keeping your torso raised up off the ground.
5. Jumping burpee
Stand straight, then bend your knees with your hands touching the ground. Next position yourself in a push-up position, do a push-up and they raise again in the initial position with your hands up in the air.
Source: Team Fitness Training