|Not being able to go to the gym doesn’t mean you have to compromise on your fitness goals. With a little creativity and determination, you can establish an effective exercise routine right in the comfort of your own home.
In this article, we will explore an exercise routine that requires minimal equipment and can help you stay fit, active, and motivated without stepping foot in a gym.
- Walking is one of the easiest exercises that doesn’t require going to the gym.
- If you’ve tried to find time to visit the gym to no avail, try walking. You won’t have to plan a walking session because you no longer have time to go to the gym.
- However, it is very easy to find enough time to walk and get your body in shape.
- If your home is close to your office, then you should consider walking instead of driving or taking a taxi. Walking to and from work will give you enough exercise that can help you lose weight without visiting the gym.
- You can also consider walking when you shop instead of shopping in your car. To walk comfortably, you only need a pair of comfortable shoes.
- Walking also helps deal with bone joint pain, especially for people with arthritis.

- Start on all fours with your hands on the floor, slightly wider than vertically with your shoulders, but in line with them.
- The body should form a straight line from the shoulders to the ankles.
- Tighten your abs as much as possible and keep them tight.
- Lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor, making sure your elbows are tucked close to your torso.
- Pause and return to the starting position.
- Do 20 repetitions.

- Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and your chest raised.
- Extend your hands in front to help maintain balance.
- Start by sitting down and then get up as if you were sitting in an imaginary chair. Keep your face and head facing forward.
- Lower your body down, so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Put all your weight on your heels. Keep your body tense and push your body up through your heels to return to the starting position.
- Do 12 repetitions.

- Stand with a bench or step in front of you.
- Starting with your right foot, step onto the bench, lightly tapping your left foot against the surface while keeping your weight on your right heel.
- Lower your left foot back to the ground while keeping your right foot on the bench.
- Repeat 3 sets of 12 repetitions and then change legs.