The Best 5 Butt Exercises for the Beach
|If you are determined to shape your figure, then it’s worth looking at these exercises. In fact, these are the best exercises that will help you tighten your butt, thighs and hips. These exercises are not too strenuous and require only being disciplined and deciding to get out of bed. See how you can do it.
To start this exercise first you need to suck your belly button and keep your body as straight as possible without locking your knees and then continue to breathe and don’t hold your breath. Next, you need to hold yourself in this position as long as you can, then rest and repeat 2-3 times and you can gradually extend the time of holding yourself in the position.
Lie down on a side bend your right leg and hold your head your head with your right arm. Streight up your left leg and lift it up as much as you can. Lower back your leg without touching the floor and repeat the process. After you finish repeat the exercise on the opposite side.
Start with your feet together and knees soft. Hold a 5- to 8-pound dumbbell in each hand in front of your hips, palms facing each other and elbows soft.
From this position, hinge forward from the hips as you extend your right leg straight out behind you, and open your arms out to the sides. Release your arms with control as you stand back up to starting position. That’s one rep. Complete 15 reps, then switch legs.
Start with your shoulders wide apart and your legs as well. Keep your back straight as you go down with your butt as you ware sitting. Hold it for a few seconds and then go up in the initial position. You are allowed to make several arrangements of 10 repetitions if one set of 20 repetitions is too much for you. The exercise needs to be performed for a period of 30 seconds per each side;
-Start the exercise by standing on both your legs, so that the feet will be on a distance same as the distance of your hips and make a movement by stepping out to the right, performing one big step.
-Then you will need to bend your knees and push your butt to the side so that you will perform a side lunge and at this position, your core should be tight and your core lift.
-Make 2 sets of 8 repetitions with the right leg, then switch sides. Make the same movements with the opposite leg too.
Source: Female Fit Body