7 Exercises to a Round and Lifted Butt
|Are you doing squats? If the answer is yes, that’s great. But, lets change that for a while and try these seven exercises that we’ve put in together to target the glutes and hamstrings. Lets start! These exercises will give you a fitter, firmer butt.
Lie on the side, legs stacked and knees bent at 45-degree angle. Use your top arm to steady your frame. Now, engage your abs by pulling the belly in to help your stabilize the spine and pelvis. Raise the upper knee as high as you can, but don’t move the lower leg off the floor. Pause and get back to the starting position.
Take the stairs
If you want firm buttocks this can be very effective. You can build up to doing two steps at a time. To keep your muscles long and lean stretch your legs when you get to the top.
Start the exercises standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands on your hips. Then step forward with one leg and flex your knees until your rear knee nearly touches the floor. After that, bring your body back. Switch legs and Repeat it 20 times
Pelvic Lift
Lay down on the ground with your palms facing down and your feet static on the floor. Lif your body by using your feet and hips. Hold for 2 seconds, lower down slowly, and repeat 8 to 12 times.
The Donkey
Start on all fours, but support your body using your elbows. Lift and extend one leg as high as you can and hold it in the air for 10 seconds. After that repeat the exercise with the other leg. Complete 20 reps on each leg for 4-5 sets.
Straight buttocks squeeze
Lie on your stomach with your head resting on your arms. Keeping your legs together lift them up pointing towards the ceiling. Hold that position for 3 -5 seconds and then slowly lower your legs. Repeat 15 times.
Butt toning aerobics exercises
Stand with your back straight and feet shoulder-width apart. Spread your arms straight out to the sides.
Lift your right knee up and move it across your torso to point at your left hand. Hold the position for a moment and then lower the leg to the start. Perform five to 10 reps on your right leg.
Source: Train Hard Team