|Believe it or not, you already have abdominal muscles. But you can’t see them because they are covered with a layer of fatty deposits. If you want your abdominal muscles to become visible then you need to eliminate fat and tone muscles trapped under it.
The formula for stomach “tiles”
Lowering fat + increasing abdominal muscles = visible abs muscles.
Do different types of exercise and exercise combinations, and if the body fat percentage is greater than 25% then do more cardio exercises than strict exercises that cover the abdominal muscle group.
In this article, we will show you some of the best exercises you can easily follow to remove that fat from your stomach and take your body in shape:
1. Hollow Rocks
To do this exercise first you need to lie straight on the floor and lift your upper body off the ground and then you need to keep your arms straight above your head toes pointed away and then bring your back in slightly curved position. Next, think you need to do is to start rocking your body back and forth with your abs engaged and maintains your body in hollow form and don’t raise your legs too high and use your lower back to keep the movement going. You need to follow 50 moves.
2. Russian Twists
First, think you need to do is to lie on the floor with your knees bent and then you need to lift your upper body to form your body into V shape and bring your arms in front of you and make sure your hands perpendicular to your torso. Next, you need to twist your torso to right and bring your arms parallel to the floor and to hold the position to 1 to 2 seconds and return back to starting position. Then you need to repeat the move on the other side and follow 50 reps.
3. V- Ups
This exercise is good because V-ups work on your upper and lower abdominal muscles and first you need to lie flat on the floor and keep your arms at the ears. Next, you need to keep your legs straight lift your legs off the ground and raise your upper body to form a V shape from your body and then bring your arms to reach your toes without bending your knees. You need to return back to hollow position. Follow 50 reps of the exercise.
4. Bicycle V-Ups
You need to begin the exercise by bringing your body in hollow form with legs straight in front of you and arms behind you and then you need to bring your left leg and upper body of the floor in a 45-degree angle. Then try to touch your right and to your left foot with your leg straight and close to the torso. Next, you need to hold left arm to the side for balance and then return to starting position and follow the move on another side. You need to follow 50 reps.
5. Full Weighted Sit-Ups
To start this exercise first you need to lie straight on the floor with your arms on the sides. You need to hold a weight in your hands close to your chest and then you need to lift your upper body for 4 seconds and with your torso perpendicular to your legs. Next, you need to lower your upper body for 4 seconds back in starting position and then follow the movement for 1 minute.
6. Inchworms
First, you need to stand straight on an exercise mat with your feet together and then you need to bend your hips and bring your palms on to the floor to form a push-up position. Next, you need to maintain the push –up position and keep your hands under your shoulders and try to walk your feet up close to your hands and then you need to make sure your hands and feet are straight while you engage your abs to walk feet up. Follow 30 reps.
Source: Team Fitness Training