A 5-Minute Workout to Get The Dream Butt
|Many women would love to have a nice shaped sexy butt, however, not everybody is gifted the same, so most of us have to work for it and there is no easy way.
If you are consistent and determined it turns out you don’t need a miracle to achieve results. The following exercises target the butt area and after several weeks you will be amazed by the results. Repeat the exercises at least 5 days a week to achieve great results.
These moves are great to get around, lifted, bigger butt and toned thighs. You don’ need any equipment. It is consistent with the most important exercises for this part of the body with exercises.
If you want to see noticeable results, you should do this training routine three times a week and compliment it with cardio routines and healthy diet to burn extra fat. Are you ready to work out? Scroll down to see the instructions to do these moves correctly and avoid bone and joint injuries. Let’s get is started, ladies!
#1. Perky lifts
#2. Rear raisers
#3. Booty boxes
#4. Killer kicks
#5. Lift it up
Source: Team Fitness Training