5 Exercises To Effectively Flatten a Stomach
|When it comes to shaping your abs that process can be quite difficult. The reason for that is all of the fat stored around your the abdominal area. Therefore apart from diet, exercising is also very important. In today’s article, we present to you 5 effective exercises that guarantee results and directly target the stomach area.
The best part is that you can do them in the comfort of your home and still save a lot of time and money. The workout consists of 5 simple exercises such as the roll, windmills, starfish crunch, mountain climbers, Russian twists.
Including cardio on a daily basis will significantly boost the process and achieve the best results in a much shorter time.
The Roll Plank
As you do the regular plank swing your body on one side and support your body on one hand. While doing so, try to pause for a few seconds then repeat the process on the opposite side with your other hand.
Lie on back with arms out to sides, legs and feet pointing up. Exhale and draw navel in toward spine as you lower legs to left side about 5 inches from the floor. Return to start and repeat on right side. Keep switching sides for a total of 15 reps.
Dead Bug Crunch
This exercise is beneficial in easing down the cramps that occur due to exercising .in this exercise you have to lie down on your back and extend your hands towards the ceiling and in front of you (keep your hands straight).
Now lift both of your knees to an angle of 90 degrees and exhale out. Now straighten one of your legs just above the ground and then again return to the beginning position slowly.

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Mountain Climbers
For this exercise, you need to get into the plan position and bring your left knee toward your chest you need to put it back and then pull your right knee toward your chest, replicating the look of a climbing motion. Then you need to repeat the motion for 30 to 60 seconds.
Russian Twists
Do 15 on each side by getting into side plank position with your elbow on the ground and your legs and hips resting on the ground.
Then engaging your abs and keeping your body in a straight line. Then raise the lower half of your body up off the ground into a straight plank position and lower again and repeat.
Source: Train Hard Team