|When it comes to achieving a strong and defined core, focusing on the lower abs is crucial. The lower abdominal muscles play a significant role in stabilizing the pelvis and supporting the lower back.
In this article, we will explore four non-generic exercises that specifically target the lower abs.
By incorporating these exercises into your workout routine, you can strengthen and tone your lower abdominal muscles for a more sculpted and balanced core.
Leg raises

- How to do it: To begin this exercise, you will need to flatten your back and tailbone against the floor.
- Maintain posterior rotation of the pelvis to be able to use your abs to the maximum. Lower your legs by holding onto a bench above your head or placing your hands under your buttocks and raise them to return to the starting position.
- To modify this exercise, you can lower one leg at a time and switch legs when you return to the starting position.
Paddles with hip lift

- How to: Keeping in mind the posterior rotation of the pelvis, let’s add a little spice to the extended flexion.
- Lying horizontally, lower your toes toward the floor and raise your legs to return your toes to your hips.
- When your toes are above your hips, reengage your abs and draw your heels toward the sky using your lower abs.
- Slowly and with control, lower your hips back to the ground and repeat the exercise.
- To modify this move, simply lower one leg toward the ground and bring your legs into a tuck position toward your chest instead of the straight leg extension toward the sky.
Seated dumbbell push-ups

- Hold the dumbbell between your feet and support your upper body by holding onto a bench or chair.
- Push your legs outward and move your weight away from your body, but don’t let the weight fall uncontrollably.
- Bring your legs back in and extend them again while still keeping your hips and ribs neutral and controlled.
- To modify this exercise, simply remove the dumbbell from the exercise.
Hip raises

- Lie down and hold onto the edges of the bench as you raise your legs above your hips.
- Drive your heels toward the ceiling, using your core to lift your hips off the bench.
- Lower your hips back to the bench with control and try not to swing your legs forward or back over your head or away from your hips in this exercise.
- To modify, bend your legs as you hit your heels on the floor and cross over to curl toward your chest as you lift your hips off the floor, then slowly lower yourself back to the start.