30-Day Challenge For The Buttocks And Abdomen

The belly is probably one of the most difficult parts when it comes to losing weight. We all dream of a flat and tight stomach, but we all hate doing hard belly exercises.

We know that stomach fat is the most developed accumulation of fat around the abdominal region and we know that this is dangerous for health, because it can cause many internal problems. And the most common problems of people with fat in the stomach are high cholesterol, heart attack, hypertension, diabetes, and many others.

The formation of the abdominal muscles for many is the most difficult challenge, but with proper nutrition and exercise the abdominal muscles will not be a problem. No matter how much exercise on this muscle group, if you do not pay attention to the diet, then the chances of success are very small.

Through this 30-day challenge, you will be able to reduce your belly fat and increase and tone your buttocks. You just have to do the exercises each day that appear in the table below.

But first, we are going to see the four types of exercises that this challenge is made up of.


  • Lie on your back and place your hands on the sides of your head or at your side, without pulling on your head or neck.
  • Tighten your abs to lift your torso off the ground and at the same time use your abs to lift your legs into the air to complete the crunch and hold for 2-3 seconds before returning to the starting position.
  • A sit-up is one repetition.


  • Next, sit back and down as if you were going to sit in an imaginary chair, keep your head facing forward as your upper body leans forward a little.
  • Instead of letting your back round, let your lower back arch slightly as you lower yourself down.
  • Then lower yourself so that your thighs are as parallel to the floor as possible, with your knees above your ankles.
  • Press your weight back into your heels, keeping your body tense and pushing through your heels to return to the starting position.


  • Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart, keep your back straight, shoulders back, and abs tight.
  • Take a step forward and slowly bend both knees until your back knee is just above the ground.
  • Come back to your feet and repeat the movement.
  • Alternate legs to complete the series.


  • Select a position in which you can extend your entire body. Using an exercise mat will give you enough padding to be comfortable on all fours.
  • Begin in a pushup position, face down, with your forearms and toes on the floor.
  • The elbows are directly below the shoulders and the forearms are facing forward.
  • The head is relaxed and should look at the ground.
  • Contract your abdominal muscles.
  • Keep your torso straight and rigid and your body in a straight line from head to toe, without sagging or sagging.
  • This is the neutral position of the spine.
  • Make sure your shoulders are down, not up toward your ears.
  • The heels should be above the balls of the feet. Hold this position for as long as indicated.

Day 1 – Day 7:

Crunches: 10 reps x 2 sets
Squats: 15 reps x 2 sets
Lunges: 10 reps (each leg) x 2 sets
Plank: 20 seconds
Day 8 – Day 14:

Crunches: 15 reps x 2 sets
Squats: 20 reps x 2 sets
Lunges: 12 reps (each leg) x 2 sets
Plank: 30 seconds
Day 15 – Day 21:

Crunches: 20 reps x 3 sets
Squats: 25 reps x 3 sets
Lunges: 15 reps (each leg) x 3 sets
Plank: 40 seconds
Day 22 – Day 28:

Crunches: 25 reps x 3 sets
Squats: 30 reps x 3 sets
Lunges: 18 reps (each leg) x 3 sets
Plank: 50 seconds
Day 29 & Day 30:

Crunches: 30 reps x 3 sets
Squats: 35 reps x 3 sets
Lunges: 20 reps (each leg) x 3 sets
Plank: 1 minute

Ensure you warm up for at least 5-10 minutes before starting your routine. This could include light jogging, jumping jacks, or dynamic stretches.
Maintain proper form during all exercises to prevent injury.
Listen to your body. If something feels painful (not to be confused with the discomfort of exercising), stop and rest.

Consider adding a cool-down routine after your exercises, such as stretching or light walking.
For optimal results, complement this challenge with a balanced diet and adequate hydration.
Ensure you take at least one rest day per week, or more if you feel any discomfort or pain. Your muscles need time to recover for optimum growth and strength.

Remember, consistency is key. Stick with the challenge for the full 30 days, and you’re likely to see improvements in strength and tone in both your abdomen and buttocks. Good luck!