3 Ways To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks After Weight Loss

Stretch marks are linear wavy atrophies of the skin. When they appear are red or pink, but over time they get white or silver. They can appear on any part of the body, but most often it is the stomach, lower back, breasts, forearms, buttocks and thighs.

Their appearance is due to the physical stretching of the skin (bodybuilding, pregnancy, obesity, rapid growth and development in puberty). And also hormonal changes in the body (pregnancy, puberty). The main role in the appearance of stretch marks has genes and skin type.

They are more common in women than in men.

How Do Stretch Marks Start?

The skin consists of three layers: epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. The stems are formed in the middle layer, the dermis, when the connective tissue extends beyond its limits of elasticity, and after the rapid expansion of the contraction of the skin caused by a sharp increase or gaining weight. Low tension causes cracking of the dermis that contributes to seeing the deeper layer of the skin and mainly, as the body grows, the strong connective tissues in the dermis spread slowly, and in rapid growth, the fibers are stretched and fired.

The main cause of stretch marks, in addition to the genetic predisposition, are the hormones, because with their action the skin loses elasticity, also pregnancy, fullness and obesity, diabetes, rapid weight loss.

How Can You Get Rid Of Stretch Marks?

There are many treatments and cosmetic products that can help you to reduce stretch marks, but we would like to show you 3 effective ways to get rid of stretch marks after losing weight.


– Many studies have shown that stretch marks are best reacted to treatment in the early stages and that’s when they are still purple or red, and when they become white or silver, they are more difficult to treat, but there are two main categories of methods for treatment of stretch marks such as topical and surgical.


– So if you have stretch marks, you can choose a topical treatment that includes gels and creams such as Retin-A (tretinoin) or Tazorac, which products are designed to stimulate collagen in order to improve stretch marks over time but need to know that only pink/purple-tinted marks will disappear. And, if you already have a gray/white mark, you should not use these creams because your stretch marks will not respond to treatment.


– don’t use these creams during pregnancy or breastfeeding because they are teratogenic and can cause congenital defects.


– Also natural home remedies are leaders in the fight against stretch marks, because these drugs do not contain chemical components and do not impair your health, but it should be noted that home remedies are more effective in the early stages of stretch marks, and you can search for effective recipes for home remedies on the Internet.

You can also reduce the risk of stretch marks by following our advice:

– When you are on a diet, you should aim for a gradual loss of weight
– You should avoid the yo-yo diet
– Maintain a healthy weight
– Consuming a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals
– Have a slow and gradual increase in weight during pregnancy
– And do not forget to drink plenty of water (6-8 cups a day).

Source: Fitness Team Training

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