3 Things That Happen When You Put Your Legs Up Against A Wall Every Day
|Some people can easily perform and learn new positions in yoga, and they do it effortlessly. Others have difficulty with yoga exercises and are afraid to start activities of this type.
If you belong to the second group of people, but still want to take advantage of the mental and physical benefits of yoga, there are simple exercises that do not require much time and space. One is Viparita Karani. Start with this simple yoga posture.
What is Viparita Karani?
Viparita Karani, or the position of the feet on the wall, is one of the simplest positions of yoga that almost everyone can do in the comfort of their home.
It has become popular with racers, athletes, dancers because it helps relieve pain and tightness, reduce anxiety and completely relax the mind and body at the end of a long, stressful day or an important event. There are several ways to perform this yoga pose and whoever you choose will depend on your abilities.
If you start with the simplest version, that does not mean that the effect is less, yoga is a practice, which means that regular performance of the position will allow you to gradually perform more complicated variations of positives.
Legs Straight up the Wall Version
Viparita karani in its simplest form involves lying on the back near the wall so you can lift your legs on it. Foot feet should be facing up to the ceiling rather than towards the fingertips. Hands beside you, or folded over your chest.
Legs in a Wide “V” Version
Open the deep groin, the same position, instead of moving your legs apart at the distance of the hips, spread them in the V formation. This will tighten the area in your area of the groin.
Soles Together Version
Finally, for the deepest stretching in the groin areas, you can get from this position, turn your knees to the outside and bring your feet to your feet, while your legs are completely pressed against the wall. You can then bring your feet close to the pelvic region.
This can be quite intense for your muscles of the groin and slowly breathe slowly in your nose, so as not to hurt or feel like fighting the situation to achieve this position.
Thanks to these positions:
1.Increases blood flow and reduces inflammation
Viparita Karani helps to increase blood flow and circulation throughout the body, especially after the day of work, where you may sit or stand for long periods of time, allowing the blood to collect. By performing this pose, you help to get the blood that can be joined together in the legs, ankles and feet to circulate through the rest of your body, reducing the swelling that many of us experience at the end of each day. This is also very useful for pregnant women who often face swelling in the ankles and legs.
2. The mobility of the legs improves and reduces the pain in the lower back
This posture naturally and gently stretches your muscles, which often become cluttered when sitting on a desk all day, leading to lower back pain. With the performance of Viparita Karani, slowly lengthen the loops and release the pressure on the lower back.
3. Stress reduces and stimulates relaxation
Because Viparita Karani reduces pain and increases blood flow, it also relieves you of stress. This stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system allows your body to move into a more relaxed, calm state. This will not only allow you to reduce inflammation and reduce chronic pain and tension, but it will also give you a better sleep.
This exercise is performed from 10 to 15 minutes, but if you do not have enough time, and 2 minutes can be quite significant.
Here are the benefits of this yoga exercise:
Helps stretching the back of the legs, back and neck;
It relaxes the tired muscles on the legs;
It reduces swelling of the legs and feet after a persistent standing;
It regulates the flow of blood;
It reduces menstrual pain and cramps;
Improves digestion;
Helps with varicose veins;
Helps with ovarian and testicular problems;
Helps with back pain;
It calms tension and relaxes.
Source: Female Fit Body