17 Magnesium Filled Foods That Can Lower Your Risk of Anxiety, Depression, Heart Attacks And More

Magnesium is an essential mineral in our body and it plays a vital role in the function of more than 300 enzymes and also in numerous y biochemical reactions.Furthermore, this mineral is also important for the metabolic functions such as regulation of insulin sensitivity, relaxation of blood vessels, muscles and nerves and proper bone and teeth development.

The symptoms of lacking magnesium in the body are fibromyalgia, headaches and migraines, anxiety, depression and cardiovascular problems.

How much magnesium do we need?

An average person should intake around 300-420 mg. of magnesium a day, however, this can be different for every individual. However, some experts suggest that that number should be 600-900 mg. of magnesium per day.

In past years the soil contained much more magnesium so people didn’t have this problem so often. Nowadays, the soil is deprived of nutrients and therefore we must look for other extra sources for this important mineral, such as supplements.

The best way to intake this mineral is of course naturally. You can do so by targeting foods that are abundant in this mineral. Here is a list of foods that you should defend include in your daily menu in order to increase the intake of magnesium naturally.

Beet greens;
Fatty types of fish;
Mustard seeds;
Fennel seeds;
Fruit and berries;
Raw cocoa nibs;
Collard greens;
Swiss chard;
Brussels sprouts;
Turnip greens;
Bok Choy;
Romaine lettuce;

If in case you still decide to take supplements then you should definitely consult your doctor first and always choose the best quality as many of the supplements on the market are poor quality.

Source: Healthy Food Choices 365

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