13 of the Best Obliques Exercises To Compliment Your Abs For A Smoking Hot Body

Did you know that the sides of your core are just as important as the front.

When we think about core workouts, most of us fixate on the front of our abs. You know, those muscles that create that six-pack. But the abs include a handful of different muscle groups, and it’s important to train all of them—whether you’re simply trying to get stronger and protect your body from injury, or trying to get more visible muscle definition.

In today’s article we present to you 13 obliques exercises that all require either no equipment or a simple weight, like a dumbbell or medicine ball, so you don’t need to go to a gym to do them.

Side Planks

side plank

First, you need to make sure to lie on your right side in a straight line from head to feet, resting on your forearm and then your elbow should be positioned directly under your shoulder. And next, while your abdominal muscles are contracted with hips lifted off the floor you need to hold this position for 20 to 40 seconds and then lower your body.

Side Plank Dips

Side Plank Dips

To start this exercise you need to lay down on your side so that only your forearm and the side of your foot are touching the ground and then to make your body into a straight line (side plank position). Then you need to bend at the waist and lower your hip towards the ground and then back up again and next to repeat for the desired amount of repetitions and then switch sides.

Sit-Ups to Twist

Sit-Ups to Twist

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat to the floor. Place your hands behind your head, engage your core and do a full sit-up.

At the top of the sit-up, bring your right elbow to your left knee and twist your body toward that side. Lower back down to start.

Repeat this movement alternating sides each time.

Russian Twists

Russian Twists

First, think you need to do is to lie on the floor with your knees bent and then you need to lift your upper body to form your body into V shape and bring your arms in front of you and make sure your hands perpendicular to your torso.

Next, you need to twist your torso to right and bring your arms parallel to the floor and to hold the position to 1 to 2 seconds and return back to starting position. Then you need to repeat the move on the other side and follow 50 reps.



First, you need to start in a standard plank position, palms planted firmly on the ground and then to Maintain a straight line from your shoulders to your heels by engaging your core muscles. Next, your feet should be hip-width apart and then you need to lift your right leg two or three inches off the ground and bring your right knee towards your right elbow while keeping your hips as stable as possible. So, you need to return your right leg back to the ground and repeat on the left side.

Trunk Rotations

Trunk Rotations

Start in a high plank with your core engaged. Don’t forget to squeeze your butt the entire time.

Bring your left knee underneath your body toward your right elbow by twisting your torso slightly. Think of it as a slow side-to-side mountain climber.

Repeat the movement alternating sides.

Wood Choppers

Wood Choppers

Do 20 on each side using one hand weight, stand with your feet hip-width apart with your weight on your left leg.

First, start by holding the weight in both hands up by your left shoulder and next, twist to make a chopping motion down towards your right hip.

Then allow your feet and knees to pivot with the twist and raise the weight back up to your left shoulder and repeat for 20 reps. And then work your right side.

Wall Ball

Wall Ball

Stand with your left side facing a wall and knees slightly bent. With straight arms, hold a soft medicine ball on the right side of your body. Since you’re using your back muscles, which are generally pretty strong, you may be able to go heavier—try 10 or 12 pounds.

Rotate off your right foot and use power from your hips to throw the ball into the wall. Catch the ball, bending the knees to absorb the catch.

Repeat on other side.

Side Bends

Side Bends

Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Raise one hand up, and put the palm on the back of your head.

Take a dumbbell in your other hand, and lower it down. Make short bends toward your arm with the dumbbell.

Forward Lunges With Rotation

Forward Lunges With Rotation

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Hold a medicine ball in both hands with arms extended out in front of your chest.

Lunge forward with your left leg. As you bend your knees, rotate your torso to the left, making sure to keep your arms straight.

Rotate back to center, and push off your front heel to return to start. Continue this movement alternating legs.

Standing Side Crunch

Stand on your left foot and, keeping your right leg straight, extend it behind your body. Lift your right foot slightly off the floor. Reach both arms up over your head. Exhale and bend your right knee as you raise your knee in front of your body.

Bend both elbows and aim to reach your elbows to your right knee. Return your arms overhead and your right leg behind your body.

Side Kicks

Side Kicks

Stand far enough away from the wall so that you can bend your torso forward and press your palms against it, elbows bent. Place both hands on the wall. Lift your right leg off the ground, parallel to the floor.

Bring your right knee in toward your right elbow. Then, flex your foot and kick the leg back out straight to the parallel position. Repeat this for 8 to 15 reps, then switch sides.

Power Hooks

Stand in a fighting stance with your power (dominant) leg behind you. With your guard up (hands in front of your face), take your front elbow and raise it to chest level.

Draw your hand out so that your arm is at a 90-degree angle. Engage your waist and hips to throw a front hook across the body.
Repeat with your back arm, and this time, rotate off the ball of your back foot. Continue alternating arms as quickly as you can while still maintaining form.

Source: Gym Guider

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