|Are you ready to sculpt and strengthen your glutes like never before? Look no further! In this guide, we present to you the ultimate collection of 10 exercises specifically designed to target and enhance your glute muscles. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or just starting your fitness journey, these exercises will help you achieve super glutes that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and powerful.
Get ready to unleash the full potential of your glutes with this comprehensive selection of exercises that will leave you feeling strong, confident, and ready to conquer any challenge.
Let’s dive in and discover the secrets to building super glutes that will turn heads and elevate your fitness game to new heights!
One-leg squat

- Stand with your arms extended forward (they will help you maintain balance).
- Now raise your left leg and while you do it, lower your body as if you were going to sit down. When you reach the limit, she holds it for a few moments and rises back to the starting position.
- Do the repetitions with one leg and then the other.
- Complete 12 repetitions with each leg.
Dumbbell Lunge

- Stand with your feet hip-width apart while holding a dumbbell in each hand at your sides.
- Extend one leg back while leaning forward until your body is parallel to the ground, extending your arms toward the ground.
- Return to the starting position.
- Repetitions: 12 to 20 repetitions with each leg.
Weighted glute bridge

- Lie face up with your knees bent and feet resting on the floor.
- Place the dumbbell on your hips, holding it with both hands.
- Raise your hips off the ground so that your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.
- Pause when you are in that position and then slowly lower your body to the ground.
- Do 2 sets of 12 repetitions.
Glute raises

- Start lying face up with your legs towards the ceiling. Keep your hands on the floor.
- Next squeeze your stomach and lifts your hips (buttocks) off the ground, and then lowers your hips with control.
- Repeat this exercise 10 to 15 times and do three sets.
Lateral hip raise

- Lie on your right side on an exercise or yoga mat. Make sure your head is supported by your hand.
- Raise your left leg up as much as you can, keeping your leg straight. Hold it for 1 second at the top.
- Slowly lower your leg.
- Do this 15 times and then switch sides.
Chair Back Kick

- Place yourself about 60 cm away from a bench or chair or the edge of a bed.
- Keep your thighs and feet together.
- Lean towards the support object and hold it firmly with both hands. Your torso should be parallel to the ground.
- Now you are going to lift your left leg back until it is parallel to the ground.
- Hold the position for 1 second and return to the starting point, then do the other leg.
- Perform 12 repetitions with each leg.
Leg Rainbow

- Get on all fours, with your palms on the ground.
- Extend one leg.
- Now move the extended leg, taking the foot to the outside of the other foot and, drawing a semi circle (rainbow), take it to the opposite end. That’s a repeat.
- Repetitions: 12 to 20 repetitions with each leg.
One-leg steps

- Stand next to a bench with your back straight.
- Place your hands on your waist or hold one or two dumbbells at chest height.
- Place one leg at a 90-degree angle and place it on the bench, keeping the other leg straight and firmly planted on the ground.
- Drive the weight of your body through the heel of your left leg and simultaneously push your right foot.
- Pause and hold the weight in the air for a second.
- Slowly return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
- Do 12 to 15 repetitions on each side.
Single Leg Deadlift

- Stand with your feet hip-width apart while holding a dumbbell in each hand at your sides.
- Extend one leg back while leaning forward until your body is parallel to the ground, extending your arms toward the ground.
- Return to the starting position.
- Repetitions: 12 to 20 repetitions with each leg.
Side squats

- Stand a little wider than shoulder width and hands clasped at chest height.
- From that position and, without moving your feet, lean as far as you can to one side.
- Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. That’s a repeat.
- Do 12 to 15 repetitions.