1 in 5 People Unknowingly Have Fatty Liver Disease, Here Are The 10 Natural Remedies You NEED To Know

Accumulation of fat on the hips, waist, and stomach immediately noticeable. But many people learn about liver obesity only after visiting a doctor. If the fat of the liver by 10-15% of its mass – it’s no reason for an alarm.

Pathology to a certain extent can lead to very serious consequences. Obesity called hepatic steatosis (fatty liver). In this condition, cells filled with fat cells actively working replacement. As a result of this change, the activity of the various liver functions has been drastically reduced.
Why does a fatty liver begin?

This pathology often develops in the background of alcohol abuse. Regular use of even in small doses of alcohol is likely to develop a fatty liver. It can also occur after short periods of severe drinking. For example, during the long New Year holidays, when a lot of alcohol consumption is present, there is an acute alcoholic liver disease.

A major role in the development of pathology plays a genetic predisposition. Heredity is responsible for the amount of alcohol consumed, as well as the production of liver enzymes responsible for the breakup of alcohol in the body. It can also contribute to the development of liver obesity: hepatitis C, common obesity, excessive amounts of iron in the body, inadequate, unbalanced diet, impact on the body from toxic substances. It can also be a chronic disease of the digestive system.

What are the symptoms of fatty liver?

Most often, obesity develops imperceptibly, without any symptoms.

Sometimes there are periodic discomforts such as:

Pain in the upper right stomach
Increased spleen
Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice)
Red palm
Abdominal swelling (ascites)
Increased blood vessels just below the surface of the skin

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Natural Treatment

The treatment of the disease consists of a set of measures. Particular attention in the treatment of fatty liver has been assigned a special diet. The consumption of animal fats should be limited, replacing them with vegetable oil. And the use of protein, on the contrary, to increase to 100-120 g per day. Together with the use of drug treatment, the popular fatty liver processing can be used. In this case, the most important thing is to notice a special diet, give up alcohol, and we offer you some natural remedies that are most effective for fatty liver:

1. Exercise

So losing weight is one of the first steps in treating fatty liver disease and according to a systematic review published in the Journal of Hepatology in 2012, exercise is a cheap, yet effective NAFLD therapy.

2. Low-Glycemic Diet

Also, high GI foods such as potatoes, brown rice, watermelons and beer increase blood sugar levels, and a 2008 study published in the Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology found that 80% of NAFLD patients drank enough juices and soft drinks – 12 teaspoons of sugar.

3. Milk Thistle

This herb is one of the best herbs when it comes to enhancing liver function and preventing/treating NAFLD, as its flavonoids protect the liver from damage and increase detoxification, including increased glutathione in the liver.

4. Dandelion

So this herb is often used to support the proper liver function because it works like an incredible NAFLD cleaning herb and it detoxifies and metabolizes fat that accumulates in the liver, which in turn helps prevent NAFLD-related obesity.

5. Amla or Indian Gooseberry

A well-known herb that is widely used in Аyurvedic medicine for the treatment of fatty liver disease and diabetes. This herb is rich in antioxidants that promote the proper function of the liver, such as ellagic acid, gallic acid, vitamin C and halothane.

6. Licorice Root

So, the best way to consume licorice roots is to make it tea and drink it twice a day, as according to a study published in Phytotherapy Research in 2012, this herb reduced liver enzymes in 66 patients with NAFLD.

7. Turmeric

This herb contains the active ingredient called curcumin, which has long been used to treat liver disease, such as jaundice, and it also reduces fatty liver disease and liver injury by reducing inflammation and minimizing oxidative stress.

8. Flaxseed

Flaxseed is a herb containing phytochemicals that prevent harmful hormones from causing liver pressure and according to the 2013 study published in the journal Lipids in Health and Disease, the combination of flaxseed oil and alpha-lipoic acid can help prevent NAFLD.

9. Cilantro

Also known cilantro herb or coriander that is a popular herbal remedy for liver issues and are useful for NAFLD conditions, especially diabetes.

10. Cinnamon

This herb is a healing herb that improves digestion and promotes liver health, and according to the 2014 study published in Nutrition Research, taking 1,500 milligrams of cinnamon a day can effectively improve NAFLD.

Tips for preventing liver disease

Is undergoing the testing of an enzyme in the liver
Pregnancy Precautions (Those with liver transplant should avoid pregnancy for at least one year)
Avoid drinking alcohol
Avoid harmful remedies
Avoid receiving live viral vaccines
Limit the intake of saturated fat
Avoid all processed foods

Source: Global Remedy House

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