Terrible: Your Stomach Will Turn When You See What Margarine Is Made Of

Margarine is whitened so that it loses it dirty gray color. Blanching occurs with the help of chemicals and powder made from a few types of clay.

Years ago experts didn’t believe that margarine is a completely healthy alternative to butter, but the truth is slowly being seen. If you are one of those people who use margarine in their diet often, we advise caution if you continue reading.

Basically margarine is made of cheap oils with dubious quality that are derived from soy bean seeds, cotton, rapeseed and corn. Its probably worth mentioning that soy is a dangerous seed because 98% of soybean farms are GMO. On the other hand, cotton is an industrial plant which is treated with the most toxic pesticides and insecticides and if we consider that corn is considered poor quality because of GMO commodity production, especially those originating from Argentina – then the ingredients of margarine are really ingredients that we shouldn’t be consuming.

In addition, they are especially harmful to human health. The oil that comes from these seeds is derived with hot draining, which releases large amounts of free radicals that are harmful because they destroy cells in the human body.

Free radicals are the number one cause of premature aging and may cause cancer.

Hidden in this commodity are dangerous oils. For example, oil from cotton seeds is one of the ingredients of margarine and yet it shouldn’t be used for consumption because in an unrefined state it is used as a pesticide because of the toxin Gosipol that protects the cotton. Cotton seeds contain large amounts of highly unsaturated fats. Oil from rapeseed has also been popularized in recent years. It was presented by major fast food companies, which allowed it to be genetically modified. Rapeseed oil is delicious, but its flavor and aroma artificially added.

Terrible Your Stomach Will Turn When You See What Margarine Is Made Of.

When the oils are mixed together, fine nickel powder is added, which serves as a catalyst in the hydrogenation process after which the trans-fatty acids are combined. Some manufacturers use other types of catalysts, but they are equally toxic.


The oils are processed in the hydrogenation process by adding hydrogen at high temperatures and metal catalyst powder is also used. The mixture then becomes solid and stable fat that manages to survive at room temperature.

After partial hydrogenation, the margarine is a smelly, sticky and gray mass that you wouldn’t even want to look at. In order for this mass to be lump free emulsifiers like soap are added and then the whole mass is mixed. After the addition of the emulsifiers and the dissolving of lumps, the mass of raw margarine is cleaned under high pressure and high temperature to remove the smell of chemicals. This process is also called deodorization because various additives are added to the margarine so that it is appealing to eat.

The next step is adding yellow and natural colors like those of butter.

When the margarine loses its smell, the taste remains unbearable, which is why flavoring enhancers and various preservatives are added.

Watch the video about the process of making margarine below:

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