Wi-Fi: A Silent Killer That Kills Us Slowly

Nowadays Wi-Fi is a common convenience in everyone’s home as it is essential for many appliances we use. However, it is a great concern too, because of its negative influence on the brain as the most important organs, our sleep quality, and well-being.

This is especially worrying for little children, as they are the ones who receive the most negativity.

Potential Dangers of Wi-Fi

Damages Childhood Development
The non-thermal radio frequency radiation from Wi-Fi can be an obstacle for the normal development of the cells, especially in the fetal development. This bad radiation stops the tissues from growing which can be seen among children and youth.

They could end up more susceptible than average to the described effects and are at greater risk of problems during development.

Contributes to the Development of Insomnia
Wi-Fi has also a great effect on sleep. If you feel like you can’t fall asleep, don’t sleep in normal hours, it may be due to the low-frequency modulation from cell phones and Wi-Fi.

People who are exposed to electromagnetic radiation daily, have significantly more difficulties falling asleep. We all know that the lack of sleep can be dangerous for your health in general.

Agitates Brain Function
Wi-Fi affects the concentration and the brain function. So, the brain activity is reduced, and as a result, you may experience trouble concentrating or have memory loss.

Neutralizes Sperm
Wi-Fi is another reason why the percent of men’s fertility has decreased. As it turns out, exposure to Wi-Fi frequencies make the sperm slower and cause DNA fragmentation. It may even increase the risk of abnormal pregnancy with women.

Causes Cardiac Stress
Many people experience a real physical reaction to electromagnetic frequencies, including increased heart rate. Therefore, Wi-Fi increases the chances of getting cardiovascular diseases.

Increases the Risk of Cancer
With exposing yourself to electromagnetic radiation using Wi-Fi daily you increase your chances of a tumor development. You should be careful.

Wi-Fi Radiation – How To Protect Yourself

Fortunately, there are ways you can protect yourself from the dangers, including:

– Don’t place your router in the kitchen or bedroom.

– Never keep your phone in your pocket.

– Use wired phones when at home, to reduce electromagnetic radiation.

– Don’t keep the phone close to the belly in case you’re pregnant.

– Make sure you keep your phone at the other end of the room (away from you) or on the seat of the car.

– Send texts rather than talk.

– Do not use wireless baby monitors, as they all operate on microwave frequency.

– Turn off all Wi-Fi devices before going to sleep.

Source: The Health Awareness

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