The Secret Things, No One Ever Tells You About Menopause!

Once a woman reaches a certain age, she transitions from a productive to non-reproductive phase in her life. This period is called menopause, and it usually starts around the age of 51.

However, this doesn’t happen suddenly, but step by step. Every woman experiences it differently and sometimes women start feeling it 10 years before the transition actually happens. Although some women look forward to this period, since they won’t have to bother with the menstrual cycle anymore.

The Secret Things No One Ever Tells You About Menopause

Here are some things you should know about it:

– Weight Gain

Most women put on some weight after they enter this period. However, it doesn’t happen overnight, but gradually. It’s estimated that this number is around 5 pounds for most women, however it’s not uncommon to put on 15-25 pounds. As a result, you might have negative effects on your health. Also, the risk of some diseases is increased, like depression, breast cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and more. So, it’s really important to keep or start exercising during this period.

– Insomnia

Since the estrogen and progesterone levels go down during menopause, women usually experience sleeping problems. There are 3 ways your sleep can be affected during this period. First, it may cause menopause-related insomnia. Second, it can cause sleep-disordered breathing. And third, it may develop fibromyalgia. So, it’s recommended that you have a hot bath half an hour before going to sleep to relieve these problems.

– Mood Swings

The brain chemistry can be altered, so depression is not uncommon during menopause. Also, you may experience frequent mood swings. Experts recommend that you take yoga classes, start meditating, do deep breathing exercises and have a good sleep schedule to avoid depression and mood swings.

– Bone Loss

Osteoporosis is very common for women in menopause. Even before this period, at around the age of 35, the bone mass in the body is lowered, so it may lead to osteoporosis. Also, since there is a drop in estrogen, and this hormone keeps the bones strong, the bones become fragile and lose their health.

– Hot Flashes

This is one of the most common symptoms of entering menopause. Some of them last very long ,even for years. They may also start before you enter this period, during perimenopause. Women experience body temperature changes rapidly, so it may be a really uncomfortable experience. Experts recommend that you avoid hot beverages, warm air temperatures, spicy food, stress, alcohol, some drugs and caffeine.

Source: Healthy Food Team

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