Reduce The Bad Cholesterol And Cleanse Blood Vessels. Also Keep The Heart Healthy With A Simple Natural Cure

Cholesterol plays a vital role in how every cell works, it also necessary for the production of some hormones, Vitamin D, and bile for digestion. However, there are two types of cholesterol LDL (low-density lipoprotein) also referred as “bad cholesterol” and HDL (high-density lipoprotein) who is referred as “good cholesterol”.

Too much bad cholesterol can cause hypertension and it increases the chances of heart attack and strokes too.

Bad cholesterol is a common problem nowadays and many people suffer from it. It can be decreased by using some meds, but also these drugs cause many side effects that are not pleasant for our body.

There are many natural ways how to decrease the levels of bad cholesterol and in today’s article, we are presenting you the best one.

By using this natural method the vessels will be cleaner and you will be safe against angioplasty and bypass.

– 1 cup ginger juice
– 1 cup onion juice
– 1 cup lemon juice
– 1 cup ACV

The ingredients listed above are only for a single dosage. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and place them on a low heat. Stir the mixture while is on, the heat for a half an hour.

In the end, add 3 tablespoons of honey and mix some more. Store the remedy in a glass bottle or jar.

Take one tbsp before breakfast every morning. After you finish the mixture, your blood vessels will be clean, you will improve your overall health and you will not have any heat problems.

You can make this remedy twice a year and enjoy all the benefits from this miraculous remedy.

Read other related posts:

1. The World’s #1 Food For Heart Attack, Hypertension, Stroke And Cholesterol

2. Don’t Spend a Penny More in Pills for High Blood Pressure or the Bad Cholesterol. Take This for a Week

3. Even Doctors Cannot Explain This: Boiled Cinnamon And Honey Is The Cure For Arthritis, Gallbladder Issues, Cholesterol And 10 More Health Problems!

Source: Organic Health Universe

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