A Natural Infusion For Your Body – A Recipe For Juice That Will Keep You Healthy And Vital

Are you a fan of homemade juice? You constantly consume them and sometimes wonder if they are healthy enough. Prepare a juice that will be a real infusion for your body. It is tasty healthy and maintains your general state at a high level and you can drink it in unlimited amounts.

A natural infusion for your body

What is needed?
• 1kg beets
• 1kg carrots
• 1kg apples
• 500gr honey

A natural infusion for your body_02

Preparation: Grate all of the ingredients together and add the honey. Allow the mixture to stand for 24 hours. After that squeeze the juice through a medical gauze or through a strainer, but it is better through a gauze. You can drink at least one glass juice in the morning and as much as you want throughout the day.

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